Monday, 26 January 2015


This blog will be used as a platform to document my work for my 'Deconstruction' project for university. The aim of the module is to develop understanding and practical experiences of the technologies that underpin fashion and clothing design and making processes and techniques. The four main tasks of the project are as follows:

Task 1
Create a blog to be used as a platform to document your project.

Task 2
Make detailed annotated flat drawings of your chosen garments.

Task 3
Physically unpick the garments and develop a full technical breakdown, recording the process in drawings and photographs.

Task 4
Produce a second set of flat drawings suggesting different seam finishes, pocket types, fastenings and an alternative fabric.

My personal aim of this project is to explore all of the aspects of deconstruction in fashion and art to gain an understanding of how things are put together and taken apart. I wish to increase my knowledge of types of pockets, fastenings and stitching and undertake a practical approach of deconstruction itself.

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